operation do hard things

Senior Chief Sid Busch, US Navy Ret., is a legendary runner, a valued friend, and a true patriot. To Sid, every day is Memorial Day and a time to honor our Veterans, especially the Fallen Heroes. Early in his Navy career, Sid lost his wife Alison and baby boy Seth to a drunk driver. Sid was on deployment in a submarine and could not make it back in time for the funeral. He decided to channel that negative energy and do something positive and made it his mission to run in honor of fallen service members. Over the past few decades, Sid has been running marathons, half marathons,10K’s, and 5K’s with a flag and photo of a fallen service member.  After the race, he makes a very emotional presentation of his finisher's medal to the family. In October of 2022, 77-year-old Sid ran his last half marathon but still continues with shorter distances. During his running career, Sid has run over 205 FULL marathons and 836 HALF marathons! 

That is OVER 16,000 miles, enough to run across the United States mainland MORE THAN FIVE TIMES!

Sid has been heard to say "I have running shoes three times older than some of the kids I run for."