Run the Mile You Are In 

There is a magnetic draw to racing you can’t stay away from. It’s a combination of adrenaline, competition, and the pursuit of pushing your mind and body further than you thought possible. It’s the energy of being around other like-minded, gritty people. It’s a mental and physical test of strength, endurance, and fortitude. Each race is its own unique experience, where you detach from the monotony of the day-to-day roles. A short reprieve from work and the mundane tasks and responsibilities of day to day life of all the various roles I juggle. Racing is a time for ME. Where time slows and I am only focused on the task at hand.

There is an energetic buzz at these events that are exciting and empowering. You are about to do something really hard and there is something incredibly satisfying about the accomplishment of challenging myself. It’s a unique feeling that taps into our primal instinct.

As you toe the start, and the gun fires, You quickly move into your stride. There is power in your legs and you feel incredibly determined. You feel powerful as upu adjust to the rhythm of the race. You are here breathing, moving my body, and feeling fully alive with each step. What a gift. A privilege many don’t get experience or sadly, don’t want to.

As you start putting the miles behind you, your enthusiasm begins to wane and the all-too-familiar feeling of discomfort begins to slowly consume you. It begins to test your strength, resilience, and the depth of your will.

There comes a point, in every race, no matter the distance, where it gets fucking hard. 

That initial enthusiasm has come and gone, the muscles begin to scream, and the finish line seems out of reach. It’s in these moments where your mind begins to play tricks on you. You begin to hear the whispers of failure and the encouragement to quit.

Running is more of a mental challenge than a physical one. When we get tired, our mind can drift to focus on the remaining distance ahead. We put our attention on the discomfort and the pain, and we fixate on the remaining distance to the finish line. The point where we currently are to where we want to be feels insurmountable.

The secret to endurance is not looking at the road ahead, but putting ourselves in the present. 

The mile we are currently in. 

At this very moment.  

Why focus on the mile you are in?

Because it is manageable. It is here. Right now.

You can either focus on asking yourself: “How in the hell am I going to finish the next 10 miles and get to the finish?” 


“Can I finish the mile I am in? Can I go one more?” 

The answer to the latter is almost always, yes. 

Yes, I can. 

The mile-by-mile approach breaks it down into manageable segments and makes it less daunting. 

Be present and embrace the suck. 

When your legs are heavy and each breath feels difficult, remember to embrace the pain and immerse yourself in the present moment. Each mile you complete is a testament to your perseverance and grit. Think about what you have accomplished up until this point. When your mind begins to wander ahead, looking at the daunting gap between where you are and where you ultimately want to be, gently guide it back to the present and focus on the mile at hand. 

Racing isn’t just about the finish line. It’s about the journey and the path you are on. It’s about the early mornings and the sacrifices you have made to be here. It’s about the lessons learned, the challenges overcome, the connections and memories made.

By being fully present, you can focus on all that you are grateful for. 

That you don’t HAVE to be here. 

You GET to be here.

There are people in the world, right now, who would give anything to have the experience you are having at this very moment. They would give anything to have the vibrant energy and capability you have right now.  

Experiencing this temporary discomfort amplifies all of the things you tend to take for granted.  It makes you even more grateful for the little things that await you at the finish line.

A hot bacon cheeseburger and sweet potato fries. 

A warm shower. 

Ice cold Coke or a cold beer. 

My warm soft bed I get to lay in tonight. 

Embracing the mindset of gratitude and being present doesn’t mean the race will be easier. 

Your legs will ache, and your lungs will burn, but the experience becomes purpose-filled. 

You are here.

You are alive.

Every stride is a celebration of your awesome life. 

Just as in racing, life throws us stretches that seem unbearable with distances that seem too far off into the horizon. We encounter uphill battles in our personal and professional lives. It’s in these moments we need to focus on the mile we are in. The disciplined focus of a runner who can transform the daunting race into a series of manageable miles can also focus on the daunting tasks of life by being present and focusing on the mile you are in. 

Can I go one more? Hell yeah, I can.  


From Race Day to Everyday:


Chasing happiness is a losing race.