Are you tired of living an average, mediocre life? Are you ready to challenge yourself and push past your limits? It's time to embrace the Do Hard Things culture!
By committing to this way of living, you'll find yourself accomplishing things you never thought possible. You'll push past your comfort zone, break down barriers, and achieve things you once thought were impossible.
The Do Hard Things culture isn't just about physical challenges, although those are certainly a part of it. It's about embracing discomfort and choosing to do the things that scare you. It's about pushing yourself mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, too.
So what are you waiting for? Say goodbye to complacency and hello to a life filled with growth and achievement. Join the Do Hard Things mission today!
Empowering people to upgrade their health, wealth, and relationships through mindset and movement
Forge Mastermind
“Guess who’s doing her very first triathlon tmrw?!! Yup! Right here ”
-Betty O.
“I wore my new tank top to lift in today. Goal Crusher indeed! I got a new PR for bench press! Goodbye 100. Hello 105 (no help)/110 (tiny tiny bit of help)!”
-Lani Y.
“Rocked my DHT shirt and headband today at the middle school track meet…got compliments Inspire others!”
-Vanesa B.
“Shout out to my friend Jay Tiegs who is the founder of Do Hard Things Nation!
I was selected by Jay for the member of the week and he sent me this awesome shirt!
If you are not following him and his work, do so! He practices what he preaches and will push you out of your comcort zone!
Thank you brother, I am wearing this shirt to remind me to push past excuses and continue to Do Hard Things!”
-Anthony W.
“I did a thing this weekend. A year ago, this fat, lazy quitter never would have considered it a possibility. I didn't do it alone. When things got really shitty, I didn't think about quitting. I thought about y'all and kept going. Thank you for showing me the way, one day at a time.
I'm not done yet. We're not done yet. But the ships are burned. I'm never going back to that guy I was.”
-Mike M.
When you set a goal, the WHY or reason for the goal needs to be powerful. It needs to be in alignment with your PURPOSE and what you truly desire. When you face resistance, or want to quit, your WHY is what is going to keep you from giving up.
Often times, people don't think about their WHY hard enough. They embark on a goal because of FOMO, the fear of missing out, which indicates it wasn't really your goal but someone else's.
What is your WHY in life right now? What is driving you, that is worth the struggle and journey? What is bigger than just you, something you are willing to fight for? WHY is that important to you?
Get out there! Crush it! DO HARD THINGS!